Find The Lost Word

Searching for the lost word.

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Where is HARMONY?

HARMONY lost herself amongst the letters A H M N O R Y, can you find her?

The grid below contains the word HARMONY once and only once. Look carefully!


You found HARMONY in only seconds, congratulations!

Now try another level, a different word or challenge your friends to beat your score!

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Creative Commons License
The game grid "Where is HARMONY?" generated on is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
You can reproduce the grid image or the grid of letters in other works (Web sites, publications, newspapers, magazines etc. including commercial works) if you link to the source:

Find the Lost Word!

Find The Lost Word

Copyright © 2015 Stéphane Gigandet
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Lots of Words also exists in French: Mot Perdu

If you like to play with words (crosswords, arrowords, Scrabble etc.) or to write with them, try Lots of Words!